For those who are feeling under the weather or are unable to get out because of health concerns, we hope that you will study along with us as we turn for God for wisdom during this anxious week.
Now is the time for godly peace to shine through in our lives. Now is our opportunity, not to go to God in despair and ask “Lord, do you want us to drown?” as the disciples did when the storm threatened their ship, but to turn to God and trust His faithfulness.
If you’ve been struggling with that kind of peace, we want you to know that you can find it in Jesus and there is no better time to obey His call to follow Him and be baptized than today. Even if you're at home right now, send a text (317) 207-2734. We're ready to help you make that tremendous decision this afternoon.
This week's sermon will be available at 10:45am on this page: