The Lord's Supper is the center of our worship because it reminds us why we follow Jesus. Communion provides us the opportunity to remember the sacrifice of Jesus, celebrate His victory over death, and look forward to our own resurrection!
Every first day of the week, the Bible commands us to take part in this memorial service, and so we will during our online gathering this Sunday at 1pm. If you are able, you can prepare by getting fruit of the vine (grape juice) and unleavened bread (matzo crackers can be found at the grocery store or a recipe of household ingredients is below.)
If you are unable to get out, still take a moment with us this Sunday to reflect on the tremendous sacrifice Jesus made so that we can have a peace that transcends understanding no matter our circumstances!
Unleavened Bread Recipe
1 cup all-purpose flour
1/3 cup vegetable oil
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/3 cup water
Preheat oven to 425 degrees F. Mix flour, oil, and salt together in a bowl; add water and mix using a pastry cutter until dough is soft. Form dough into 6 balls and press into disks onto the prepared baking sheet using your hands. Bake until bread is cooked, 8 to 10 minutes.

*A note about the recipe: As you bake, reflect on why the Bible commands the use of unleavened bread. The original Passover meal was eaten on the run. The Lord said Israel didn't have time for yeast because He would follow through on His promise immediately. Exodus 12:39 says, "The dough was without yeast because they had been driven out of Egypt and did not have time to prepare food for themselves."
To remember how God freed them from bondage in Egypt, unleavened bread was to be used for the week of the Passover. Jesus instituted the Lord's Supper during this week, on the night He was betrayed, highlighting the faithfulness of our God. As you bake the bread, remember that the reason you aren't adding yeast is because God is swift to keep His promises, even when we face the storms of life.