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3/17/20: Transitioning Online

As you know, the situation we are in is evolving rapidly. Last week, we read the Scripture from 2 Timothy 1:7 where Paul wrote: “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” Now, in that spirit of love and not fear, our elders have made the difficult decision to transition our worship online for the remainder of March.

To be clear, we are not closing or cancelling services, even though we won’t be using our building to meet. It is important that we look after each other and do everything we can to prevent the spread of disease, but of even more importance is our relationship with God. Right now, we need to lean on Jesus more than ever before. That’s why we’ve set up a page on our website to help you worship and grow closer to Jesus with us from your own home. You’ll find teaching, songs to sing, prayer requests (and you can submit your own), resources to participate in the Lord’s Supper with your family, materials for kids, and more.

I hope that as Christians we can step up in this moment and show our love for our neighbors and for our God. Stay healthy and safe and I’m looking forward to worshiping with you online soon.



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